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Developing new programmes

Do you need a new accreditation programme to support your customers?

Working alongside our customers and in collaboration with UK Government and key stakeholders, our mission is to build a world of trust and confidence in the products and services accreditation underpins. It is UKAS belief that any conformity assessment activity that should be underpinned by accreditation, is. As sectors evolve and new technologies and processes emerge, new accreditation can be a vital tool to provide trust and confidence to your customers.

UKAS operates a new product development programme to support evolving market sectors and emerging technologies and processes.

How can we help?

Our team of experts can support your business outcomes with new or ‘smarter’ ways of operating. The accreditation process provides greater value to our customers by helping to maintain and improve their competence and performance, enhancing the value of these services to the wider society in which they operate.

UKAS has also developed a readiness self-assessment tool for scheme owners operating across a range of sectors.  This tool will help scheme owners to ascertain whether they are ready or not to move forward to establish if the scheme is eligible to be used for accreditation purposes.

Our recent programmes

We have developed programmes for Covid-19 testing, Forensics, Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering (MPACE) and Biobanks among others.

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