Development programme FAQs
What guidance/examples exist for scheme development/writing (for different accreditation standards)?
ISO have produced several guidance documents and standards to help with writing standards/normative documents and conformity assessment schemes, a list of these can be found here.
- What criteria does UKAS use to evaluate Conformity Assessment Schemes?
How do I demonstrate that my Conformity Assessment Scheme has been validated?
Conformity Assessment Scheme (CAS) validation is explained in UKAS form F530 which is based on the European cooperation for Accreditation publication EA 1/22 EA Procedure and Criteria for the Evaluation of Conformity Assessment Schemes by EA Accreditation Body Members. EA 1/22 in Annex 1 information to be provided by scheme owners states, item 21 provides details on validation of schemes, including that the CAS has completed a test period that demonstrates that it is ‘fit for purpose’. There is also specific guidance on validating CAS schemes in Annex 2.
Why can’t UKAS tell us what to and how to do it?
UKAS as an accreditation body has to act impartially when we assess and accredit organisations. Providing specific advice would compromise our impartiality. We can provide explanations of the accreditation requirements and discuss proposed approaches.
How much does a scheme evaluation cost?
This is determined for each scheme and is generally in the range £3k to £5k.
Is your conformity assessment activity (scheme) eligible to be underpinned by UKAS accreditation?
DEV 1003 contains information for those parties (e.g. Government, Conformity Assessment Bodies and Scheme Owners etc) interested in utilizing accreditation to underpin the quality of evaluations conducted by conformity assessment bodies (e.g. certification bodies, laboratories, inspection bodies). It also includes a ‘self-assessment’ form which, whilst not absolutely necessary to complete, will help you to understand what it is we look for when new areas for accreditation are being proposed
How do I know if my scheme is eligible to be used for accreditation purposes?
UKAS has also developed a readiness self-assessment tool for scheme owners operating across a range of sectors. This tool will help scheme owners to ascertain whether they are ready or not to move forward to establish if the scheme is eligible to be used for accreditation purposes.