Forensics: Evaluation of Fire Investigation Activities | New Programmes
About the UKAS Evaluation of Fire Investigation Activities programme
In October 2019, UKAS undertook a dry run exercise of a Fire Investigation Unit in order to assist the Forensic Science Regulator (FSR) to confirm the appropriate quality framework and timeframes for fire investigation activities against ISO/IEC 17020:2012. This exercise also allowed UKAS to determine an assessment approach for this new accreditation.
Associated Standards
- ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Conformity assessment – Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspections
- ILAC G19 Modules in a Forensic Science Process
- FSR Code of Practice
- UKAS RG 201 Accreditation of Bodies Carrying out Scene of Crime Examination
Current status
An evaluation of the outcomes of the dry run exercise has been undertaken and a report produced which identifies areas which the Fire Investigation Unit will need to consider to be compliant with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17020 and ILAC G19.
In addition, the report also provides some recommendations for the Fire Community (e.g. NFCC/UK-AFI) and FSR to assist in progressing accreditation in this area. A copy of the report can be found here.
The project is currently on hold until a Fire Investigation Appendix is produced by the FSR at the current time there are no confirmed dates for when this work will be completed.