Artificial Intelligence

Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) research have been transformative across numerous fields, driving innovation and efficiency in ways previously unimaginable. This rapid evolution is fuelled by improvements in computational power, availability of massive datasets, and innovative algorithmic strategies, enabling machines to perform complex tasks with remarkable accuracy and adaptability. However, alongside these advancements, significant safety concerns have emerged, including issues related to privacy, algorithmic bias, and the potential for unintended consequences.

As AI technology progresses, ensuring its safe and ethical application becomes as crucial as its development, promising profound impacts on society and everyday life. Accreditation serves as an effective assurance mechanism, ensuring that AI systems are rigorously tested and validated before deployment. This process not only enhances the reliability and safety of AI-driven solutions but can also improve public trust and confidence in their use.

The new Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) Certification standard, ISO/IEC 42001, was published on 18 December 2023 and provides a comprehensive set of requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an artificial intelligence management system (AIMS). UKAS has previously communicated we are undertaking a development project to confirm the applicability of the standard and also to establish a robust and proportionate assessment approach.

ISO/IEC 42006, which is currently being developed, will compliment ISO/IEC 17021-1 and will specify additional requirements to enable accredited certification bodies to reliably audit the management system for organisations that develop and/or use AI systems according to ISO/IEC 42001. It will help accreditation bodies assess the technical competence of these bodies in a harmonised manner, ensuring that certifications confirming conformity with ISO/IEC 42001 are comparable and reproducible. You can track the progress of this standard on the website of the International Standards Organisation (ISO).


Find out more about UKAS accreditation in the digital sector here.