Regulated gambling and related harms

This area of activity encompasses all legal and government-sanctioned forms of gambling within a specific jurisdiction. It includes activities that involve wagering money on outcomes that are largely determined by chance, such as lotteries, casinos, betting shops, and online gambling platforms. It is characterised by the presence of established regulations, licensing procedures, and oversight mechanisms to ensure fairness, consumer protection, and prevention of illicit activities.

Regulation usually involves a formal licensing process through which operators and establishments are authorised to conduct gambling activities. These licenses are typically issued and regulated by government authorities, i.e. The Gambling Commission in the United Kingdom. Operators are expected to have policies and programmes in place to promote responsible gambling and provide support for individuals experiencing gambling-related issues. Funding for problem gambling prevention and treatment may be mandated or encouraged by regulatory authorities.

In this space, UKAS accredit testing laboratories, inspection bodies and certification bodies for both land-based and online regulated gambling environments and a scheme addressing gambling related harms. By working closely with Gambling Regulators, UKAS accreditation can help maintain public confidence in regulated gambling by ensuring that operators meet strict standards and support policies that address and reduce gambling-related harms.


Find out more about UKAS accreditation in the digital sector here.