  • BS 70000

Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering Accreditation

Accreditation underpins the delivery of safe, accurate and expert procedures and practices relating to medical physics and clinical engineering (MPACE).  It also provides assurance that equipment is managed, maintained and operated to recognised quality standards and the Services are competent to deliver reliable activities.

Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering services underpin front-line medics and practitioners, playing a vital but unseen role in diagnosing and managing the nation’s health. The speed, quality, reliability and accuracy of these services are fundamental to managing health outcomes.

The stringent requirements that are assessed under BS 70000, the standard for Medical Physics, Clinical  Engineering and Associated Scientific Services in Healthcare, are set by specialist experts from the relevant disciplines.  They are agreed to be the drivers necessary to achieve quality outcomes. UKAS accreditation is recognised by the leading authorities covering the NHS and commissioning bodies.

To achieve UKAS accreditation, MPACE services are assessed against a standard (BS 70000) that was developed specifically to deliver safe and competent practice in this area. It significantly contributes to the delivery of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and to the management of risk. This means all those who rely on MPACE services can be confident in their output.

BS 70000 accreditation covers the following disciplines:

  • Biomedical engineering
  • Clinical measurement
  • Diagnostic radiology and MR physics
  • Equipment management and clinical engineering
  • Medical electronics and instrumentation
  • Medical engineering design
  • Nuclear medicine
  • Radiopharmacy
  • Radiation safety
  • Radiotherapy physics
  • Reconstructive Science
  • Rehabilitation engineering

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How to apply

Complete the online application form which includes details of what to submit, including key policy and procedure documents and proof of legal status, to ensure swift processing.