Articles categorised as
Meet our Trainer – Kevin Belson
Introducing you to our Trainer Kevin Belson …
Meet our Trainer – John Ringrow
Get to know John Ringrow, one of our UKAS Academy training specialists …
Meet our Trainer – Laura Booth
Meet Laura Booth, our IQIPS Technical Focus Person at UKAS …
Accessing a brave new digital world: Interview with Brett Hyland of NATA on the white paper on Digital Product Conformity Certificate Exchange (DPCCE)
Switching from an exchange-based system of conformity assessment attestations to an access-based system (which can be mor…
Developing net zero pathways through the National Quality Infrastructure
Simon Brown leads the environmental practice at Positive Momentum and has helped organisations develop and deliver enviro…
Accreditation – is it futureproof?
Accreditation has been providing assurance to UK society for over 55 years. From its origins in metrology and calibrati…
World Quality Week 2023 – realising competitive potential
Quality infrastructures are the cornerstone of global economies and play a pivotal role in all aspects of our daily lives…
Everyday impact of accreditation
For her article in the UKAS Annual Report, our Operations Director, Lynsey Poyner describes her formative experiences at …
Spotlight on accreditation standards: the importance of ISO/IEC 17020 for the accreditation of inspection bodies
In today’s global marketplace, ensuring the quality and safety of products, processes, and services is of utmost im…
Bringing our values to society
In UKAS’s recently published Annual Report for 2023-24, Strategic Development Director, Jeff Ruddle provided an interes…