Articles categorised as
British Heart Rhythm Society (BHRS) Scientific Sessions
The UKAS Improving Quality in Physiological Services (IQIPS) team is to exhibit at the British Heart Rhythm Society (BHRS…
Society for Cardiological Science & Technology (SCST) National Update Meeting
The UKAS Improving Quality in Physiological Services (IQIPS) team will be attending the Society for Cardiological Science…
British Society for Immunology Congress 2023
The 2023 British Society for Immunology (BSI) Congress is set to be hosted in Belfast, starting on Monday 4 December, and…
BSEcho 2023
The UKAS Improving Quality In Physiological Services (IQIPS) team will be exhibiting at BSEcho 2023 at the ICC in Newport…
Accreditation Clinical Advisory Group (ACAG) July Newsletter
The following information was shared as a newsletter from the Accreditation Clinical Advisory Group (ACAG) in July 2023: …
Congratulations to services that have transitioned successfully to IQIPS Standard 2
The following services have now successfully completed their transition to the new version of the Improving Quality in Ph…
The benefits of IQIPS accreditation for commissioners, providers and users (recording available)
This webinar explains to commissioners, stakeholders, providers and users of physiological science services why UKAS accr…
IQIPS links to professional bodies
Here is a list of the websites of professional bodies relevant to the IQIPS scheme: British Academy of Audiology Society …
Audiology team at Sheffield Children’s Hospital is first in UK to transition to new IQIPS standard
Congratulations to the Audiology team at Sheffield Children’s Hospital, who are the first physiology service in the…
IQIPS v2 2020
IQIPS v2 2020– An improved standard and assessment process for physiological services Introduction to the IQIPS …