
Find out about accreditation of physiological services – IQIPS webinar

Are you curious about gaining UKAS accreditation for your physiological service department but are not sure where to start?

Come to UKAS’s free webinar at 12.30 on Wednesday 3rd July where our Senior Assessment Manager, Laura Booth, will explain the benefits of this type of accreditation and provide helpful advice on how to plan your journey to accreditation.

Accreditation is recognised by government, commissioners and regulators as an effective tool to provide confidence and drive improvement, however, it is recognised that some services may not yet be in a position to meet the Improving Quality In Physiological Services (IQIPS) standard, but still wish to work towards this objective. Therefore, UKAS has recently enhanced support in the journey to accreditation by benchmarking against the standard for services wanting to engage with accreditation but don’t know how to start.

In this free-to-attend webinar, Laura will explain how this new approach will work, offering a tailored approach through either a full on-site or remote assessment, giving the applicant service full visibility of their level of compliance to enable them to take appropriate steps to deliver improvements and, ultimately, to achieving accreditation.

The webinar will also include the opportunity to submit questions about the process of accreditation for IQIPS.

Register here.