News Item 1 min read

Consolidation of Forensic Conformity Assessment Bodies into Forensic section

In order to meet increased demand following the introduction of the statutory code, all forensic work previously managed by the Corporate Customer Team (CCT) at UKAS, has been taken into the Forensic section with immediate effect. This handover has been supported by a re-deployment of key staff from CCT to Forensics. This will consolidate the majority of forensic operations within a single team to allow us to focus on the expansion required to meet the anticipated rise in demand generated through the introduction of the Forensic Science Regulator’s Statutory Code of Practice. Steps to recruit additional Assessment Manager’s and Technical Assessors, the latter for which there will be full-time opportunities available is currently underway.

Updated guidance has also been published on the approach for Volume Scene of Crime (VSoC) assessments.

If you have any questions regarding this please contact your assessment manager in the first instance. Any queries regarding UKAS’ capacity planning should be directed to [email protected]