Certification Body 3 mins read

Extension of PAS 2030:2017 Expiry for Green Homes Grant Voucher Scheme

UKAS PAS 2030 Green Homes communication to Certification Bodies – Extension of PAS 2030:2017. Expiry until 31st October 2021 for the Green Homes Grant Voucher Scheme and Local Authority delivery Phase 1.

25 June 2021

This Communication relates ONLY to the Green Homes Grant Voucher Scheme (GHGVS) and Local Authority Delivery (LAD) Phase 1.  It does NOT relate to any other scheme e.g. LAD Phase 2, Energy Company Obligation (ECO), Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) and Home Upgrade Grant (HUG).

Following the publication of the revised PAS 2030: 2019 in May 2019 BEIS initiated a transition period to ensure that all UKAS-accredited certification bodies had transitioned to the new version of PAS 2030 by 30 June 2020 and their certified installers had transitioned by 30 June 2021. The expiry date for PAS 2030: 2017 and hence the transition deadline for installers has now been extended until 31 October 2021 for the GHGVS and LAD Phase 1 ONLY.

 In 2020, BEIS, TrustMark and UKAS jointly issued information on the transitional arrangements allowing installations under either the 2017 or 2019 versions of PAS 2030 for a limited period for installers delivering under the GHGVS.

In order to facilitate implementation of the GHGVS and LAD Phase 1, BEIS has made further changes to the transitional policy as follows:


  1. PAS 2030 certified installers that have transitioned from PAS 2030:2017 certification to PAS 2030:2019 certification can have their ‘superseded’ PAS 2030:2017 certification recognised alongside their PAS 2030:2019 certification; thus, for GHGVS and LAD P1 only, they are permitted to work in compliance with either standard of their certification and scope until 31 October 2021.


Note: Where an installer has no relationship with the Certification Body that issued the PAS 2030:2017 certification (e.g. they have moved Certification Body to obtain PAS 2030:2019 certification) recognition of PAS 2030:2017 certification may not be possible; this will be dependent on the services offered by the PAS 2030: 2017 Certification Body.


  1. All work COMPLETED after 31 October 2021 by a PAS 2030 certified installer must be in compliance with their PAS 2030:2019 certification and carried out in accordance with PAS 2035:2019.


Any PAS 2030:2017 certificate that has been issued under this arrangement must be transitioned by the 31 October 2021 or the certificate will lapse.

All other applicable rules and requirements apply including but not necessarily limited to those defined by BEIS, UKAS, Ofgem and TrustMark.

Please note:


a) Certification to PAS 2030:2019 requires compliance with all the requirements of that standard.


b) All UKAS- accredited PAS 2030 certification bodies have had their accreditation schedules updated to PAS 2030:2019 as required by the BEIS transitional requirements. The BEIS ‘flexibility arrangements’ for the interim period for the GHGVS and LAD Phase 1, mean that this accreditation will be recognised as also allowing certification to the 2017 version of PAS 2030 for the limited period until 31 October 2021.


c) Installers will only be able to install measures for which they hold certification and for which their certification body holds accreditation.


d) For delivery under GHG LAD Phase 2, SHDF, ECO and HUG installers must be certified to PAS 2030:2019 and compliant with PAS 2035:2019.