International 2 mins read

Formal Recognition of UKAS under Canadian HazLoc Regulation

Recently, UKAS and its Canadian counterpart (SCC) have been closely collaborating under a Memorandum of Understanding in support of the UK-Canada Trade Continuity Agreement (TCA). In early July UKAS was delighted to receive formal recognition from the Canadian Government (Global Affairs Canada) to accredit UK Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) as competent to assess conformity with the Canadian HazLoc technical regulation under the Protocol on Conformity Assessment to the TCA:

Equipment, machines, apparatus, devices, control components, protection systems, safety devices, controlling devices and regulating devices, and related instrumentation and prevention and detection systems for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (HazLoc)

Any UK CAB interested in extending its scope of accreditation to include HazLoc assessment of electrical goods destined for the Canadian market should contact their UKAS assessment manager.

Under the UKAS-SCC MoU, SCC has also been recognised by the UK Department of Business and Trade to accredit Canadian CABs against the UK ATEX Regulations  (Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2016)

The intention, under the MoU, is to extend this recognition to include other product safety regulations as listed in the protocol of the TCA. This recognition is designed to make it easier for UK and Canadian manufacturers to export their goods to the other market, allowing certification to be granted in the country of origin, removing technical barriers to trade.

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT have welcomed this news, and provided the following comment:

“This reciprocal recognition under the agreement can reduce administrative burdens for businesses selling equipment for use in explosive atmospheres. Reducing technical barriers to trade like this will help our economies secure sustained growth. We are looking forward to continued cooperation between UKAS and SCC as we continue to make the most of this agreement between our countries.”