UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework – Announcement of Pilot Programme Applicant Bodies
The following bodies have applied for the pilot assessment programme to become accredited to certify against the UK Digi…
BEIS publishes list of product categories covered by UK Approved Bodies
The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), has published a document on GOV.UK which lists product…
Call for expression of interest for accreditation for Compliance Management System Certification
In the last couple of years, a number of new ISO management system standards have been published. To date UKAS has receiv…
Update of UKAS certificates for ISO 15189 – Medical Laboratories
All UKAS certificates of accreditation for ISO 15189 Medical Laboratories are being updated following the November 2021 i…
Expression of interest – UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework
UKAS and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) would like to invite certification bodies to express…
Delivering public confidence in private providers of Covid-19 testing – the ongoing role of UKAS Accreditation
UKAS is the National Accreditation Body for the United Kingdom. UKAS is appointed by Government, to assess and accredit o…
UKAS membership of EA
In December 2021, following agreement at its November General Assembly, the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) …
4 UKAS Training Academy courses gain CPD certification
We are proud to announce that four of UKAS Training Academy courses have been certified by the CPD Certification Service …
UKAS participates in EMPIR project producing best practice guidance for measurement uncertainty
Between July 2018 and June 2021, UKAS’ measurement uncertainty technical focus Dr John Greenwood has worked with a cons…
Three Conformity Assessment Bodies are accredited to ISO 17065:2012 and the REAL Compost Certification Scheme
UKAS is pleased to announce the accreditation of the following as Conformity Assessment Bodies under ISO/IEC 17065:2012: …