New license agreement – Use of the IAF MLA Mark
A new license agreement has been published for CBs wishing to use the IAF MLA Combined Mark. …
Getting ISAS faster
Derby Teaching Hospital shares its experiences of gaining ISAS accreditation. …
CQC Recognition of UKAS Healthcare Accreditation Schemes
UKAS is pleased to announce that following a submission to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) third party peer review and …
BRC Global Standard for Agents and Brokers Achieves UKAS Accreditation
BRC Global Standards is pleased to announce that the first certification bodies have gained UKAS accreditation to the BRC…
UKAS Recognition within Health and Social Care Sector
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Department of Health have released a joint policy agreem…
Relationship between CBs and Consultants. Result of question to EA Certification Committee
This bulletin provides information regarding a question raised at the EA Certification Committee (EACC) with regard to th…
Requirement for Certification Bodies to provide operational metrics
As part of UKAS’s processes for continual improvement we have recently been trialling a wider roll-out of the use of a …
The relationship between ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO/IEC 17067, and the acceptance of product schemes.
A new standard, ISO/IEC 17067: 2013 – Conformity assessment — Fundamentals of product certification and guide…
The BSE, IQIPS and UKAS: A Joint Statement
BSE, UKAS and IQIPS issue joint statement. …
The GS Mark
Representatives from the UK’s Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) and Germany’s Federal Ministry o…