World Quality Week 2023 – realising competitive potential
Quality infrastructures are the cornerstone of global economies and play a pivotal role in all aspects of our daily lives…
The UKAS Annual Report 2023 has been published
UKAS has now published its Annual Report for 2023, which this year is centred around the multitude of ways accreditation …
Updated Memorandum of Understanding signed between UKAS and the Department of Business and Trade
In September, the Department of Business and Trade (DBT) and UKAS signed an updated Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Ma…
Trade Continuity Agreement Protocol between the United Kingdom and Canada
On behalf of their respective governments, the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and the Standards Council of C…
Final update with respect to the transition from the non-statutory Forensic Science Regulator (FSR) Codes to the statutory Code
Accredited organisations conducting forensic activities have been able to include compliance with the non-statutory Foren…
Expression of interest: development project for accreditation of Community Diagnostic Centres
UKAS is working with NHS England to establish a project to develop Accreditation for Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs).…
UKAS’s project to support the ‘Getting It Right First Time’ (GIRFT) initiative
UKAS is supporting NHS England’s ‘Getting it Right First Time’ (GIRFT) initiative established to improv…
UK government announces extension of CE mark recognition for businesses
UKAS has been appraised by government of its decision to update its UKCA product regulation policy by announcing indefini…
Wrapping up the CSO Knowledge Transfer Partnership
The Chief Scientific Officer’s Knowledge Transfer Partnership (CSO KTP) Programme Wrap-up event was hosted on th…
Important changes for the accreditation of medical imaging services
Following recent communications from the Royal College of Radiologists and the College of Radiographers regarding the QSI…