Call for expression of interest for accredited air sampling and/or exposure badge analysis for nitrous oxide for staff working in hospital environments
UKAS is working with NHS England to establish a project to develop ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation for organisations wis…
World Metrology Day 2023: Accredited measurements in food, from farm to fork
Marking the anniversary of the signing of the Metre Convention on 20th May 1875, World Metrology Day is an annual celebra…
Make UK appointed as latest UKAS member
UKAS is pleased to announce that Make UK, the manufacturers’ organisation, has become the latest UKAS member. As a comp…
UKAS signs MoU with AzAK
Last week, UKAS representatives met with the Azerbaijan Accreditation Body, AzAK at the EA Multilateral Agreement Council…
UKAS launches new customer Portals
Exploring how technology can help the accredited conformity community identify efficiencies without compromising on quali…
Call for expressions of interest – update ISO/IEC 17021 – Accreditation for Certification of Compliance Management System (ISO 37301:2021)
On 25th March 2022 UKAS published the outcome from their 31st January 2022 call for Expression of Interest for certificat…
Expression of Interest: ISO/IEC 17021 – Accreditation of Certification of Built Environment Quality Management Systems (BS99001:2022)
The Built Environment Quality Management Systems standard was published in July 2022 and UKAS published an initial Expres…
UK Signs UK-Ukraine Digital Trade Agreement
UKAS welcomes the UK-Ukraine Digital Trade Agreement, which was signed yesterday by the UK Secretary of State for Busines…
International Women’s Day 2023 – Interview with PAC Chair, Caroline Hamilton
To mark International Women‘s Day 2023 UKAS interviewed Caroline Hamilton, Chief Executive at the Safety Assessmen…
UKAS signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Institute of Export and International Trade
The ability to trade across borders is vital to the UK’s success. To do so, businesses need to understand the rules-bas…