News Item 2 mins read

UKAS publishes Annual Report 2021

UKAS is pleased to publish the Annual Report for the financial year of 2020/2021.

In line with our new logo, symbols of accreditation and website, that were unveiled at the start of 2021, the Annual Report has also been updated to reflect the refreshed branding. The content of the report has also been expanded, containing a range of articles that highlight the importance of accreditation in its role of delivering confidence in the products and services we all use every day.

The Annual Report provides an interesting insight into the activities and achievements of UKAS, during one of the most challenging periods since the launch of the business in 1995.

As well as looking inward with an exploration of UKAS’ refreshed strategy, including Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values, the report also examines emerging areas of accreditation, such as those pertaining to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

We have also had fantastic contributions from stakeholders, such as Ron Gainsford, who provided an update from our Policy Advisory Council and Policy Advisory Forum, both of which help shape UKAS’ strategic priorities.

Additional contributors included Etty Feller, Chair of ILAC, who provided insight on the future of mutual recognition and collaboration with the international accreditation community. The Chief Scientific Officer for NHS England, Sue Hill, was also able to share her views on the role of accreditation in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and Will Cresswell from the Office for Product Safety and Standards examined the role of accreditation in product safety. Hanane Taidi, Director General of the TIC Council was able to share how the previous year presented not only challenges but also opportunities for the TIC sector.

We would like to thank all contributors to the Annual Report for taking the time to produce this content, which combined, produces an informative and thought-provoking document.

We hope that you will take your time to read the articles, updates and infographics contained in this year’s Annual Report, and that it provides some insight into the work UKAS has done over this period, as well as our priorities for the future.