News Item 1 min read

UKAS statement on the publication of the Phase 2 Report of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service, UKAS, extends its sympathies to the bereaved, survivors and residents of Grenfell Tower. What happened at Grenfell Tower on 14 June 2017 was a profound tragedy.

The work of the Inquiry is of huge importance, particularly to ensure that lessons are learned. UKAS has fully cooperated with the Inquiry and supported its work. At the same time, UKAS has implemented the important lessons it has learned from the tragedy at Grenfell in its assessment and other processes and will reflect on and continue this work having regard to the Phase 2 Report.

UKAS welcomes the publication of the Phase 2 Report. UKAS is carefully considering the Report and its recommendations and will work with government and other relevant bodies as those recommendations are taken forward.