Transition timeframe for the new UKAS Accreditation Symbols
In January 2021 UKAS launched its new national accreditation symbols, designed to better reflect the diversity of what…
Auditing of design activities in ISO 9001 scopes
This Bulletin is to highlight the UKAS position with regard to the exclusion of design from ISO 9001 scopes. The previous…
Clarification on Transition to FSSC 22000 V5.1
08 January 2021 Further to the communication of the 17th December 2020, this Technical Bulletin clarifies the updated UKA…
IAF MD2: Transfer of Accredited Certification of Management Systems
16 December 2020 This Bulletin is to provide Certification Bodies with clarification when dealing with non-cooperation is…
Construction Products Regulation – EN 1090
This Bulletin is intended to clarify the requirements for surveillance activities under the CPR for organisations operati…
Transition from EU Notified Body to UKCA Approved Body 1st January 2021
5 November 2020 As a result of the Brexit referendum in 2016, the UK officially left the EU at the end of January 2020 an…
Publication of the IQIPS Standard v2 2020
8 October 2020 IQIPS Standard v2:2020 has been published. This new standard will replace IQIPS Standard v1:2012 –…
Revision of IAF ID1 and ID4
This Bulletin is to inform Certification Bodies that 2 IAF Informative Documents have been revised and updated …
ISO/IEC 27006:2015/AMD1:2020
Following the publication of ISO/IEC 27006:2015/AMD1:2020, this bulletin has been produced to update certification bodies…
Guidance on application for accreditation to include COVID-19 testing
Guidance to applicant laboratories for COVID-19 testing in accordance with ISO 15189:2012 or ISO/IEC 17025:2017 …