3 mins read

The UKAS Summary Forensic Master Schedule

The Forensic Science Regulator Act (2021) requires the Forensic Science Regulator (FSR) to prepare and publish a code of practice (the Code) relating to forensic science activities in England and Wales. The Code will be made up of three elements:

  • the core code that will be based on the current codes of practice and conduct
  • the definitions of forensic science activities (FSA)
  • the appendices to the current codes of practice and conduct

The UKAS Summary Forensic Master Schedule (USFMS) has been produced by UKAS to assist organisations to connect the definitions within the FSA, as detailed in the consultation draft of the Code which is subject to change, and the related activities that they conduct. This in turn allows comparison of their current scope of accreditation as detailed on their UKAS Schedule of Accreditation with the FSAs defined in the consultation draft of the Code.

The entries on the USFMS are detailed under the FSA headings, these are listed in the same order as within the consultation draft of the Code. Where there is currently no requirement for any accreditation for an FSA as defined in the consultation draft of the Code, this activity has not been listed on the USFMS.

The layout of the USFMS takes the same format as a UKAS Schedule of Accreditation, in particular the use of the three columns detailing the ‘Materials/Products tested’, ‘Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement’, and ‘Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used’. However the level of detail listed in the USFMS is not as great as that contained within an organisation’s UKAS Schedule of Accreditation, as the latter will include more information around the specific method / technique / equipment utilised and the materials / products to be tested.

Where UKAS has yet to grant any accreditation for an FSA, e.g. Forensic examination of sexual offence complainants, the entry on the USFMS currently indicates ‘To be determined’ as this will be considered as part of an associated development project for accreditation.

It should be noted that changes are planned to the current wording used on UKAS Schedules of Accreditation for some forensic activities, once completed this document will be updated in the future to reflect these changes.

If there are any queries in relation to the UKAS Summary Forensic Master Schedule then please contact your Assessment Manager, or Katherine Monnery at

[email protected]

The UKAS Summary Forensic Master Schedule (USFMS)


To download a pdf copy of this Technical Bulletin click here.